prints: Intaglio with a surface color roll, various dimensions
When we write, we focus on intent and content and the pages themselves
become a transparent, unseen medium. But Zohar shifted her perception
to the pages and by patiently “mimicking” and etching
the lines that run through them, parallel like music scores, demonstrates
that these are far from neutral: they are loaded with cultural codes
specific to American culture and incomprehensible to those who were
not raised in that context.
Have we ever considered, for instance, that between first and third
grade the space between lines diminishes as the child learns to
write? So that lines are not simply lines- they become traces of
time into space. In other cases- steno, engineer, graph used by
architects- the pages reflect the needs of specific professions.
The open pages are now framed by the unseen world that lies beyond
them. |